Birds were made to stretch their wings, to feel the sun on their feathers. Literally, they were born to fly. And with the Aviator Flight system, your bird can.
The Aviator gets your bird safely out of its cage. In flight – or even just in motion – birds get the exercise they need to stay fit. They develop better coordination and ignite their natural intelligence. They’re more content and more confident.

Our products are proudly hand-made in the USA.

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When your bird is social, your bird is happy.
The Aviator Flight System lets you spend more time with your bird – interacting, exploring, and just making them part of your family. With the Aviator, you and your bird can adventure together – whatever adventure may look like for you.
“I know it isn’t news to you, but I see Gilbert my conure change with each new experience. He becomes more ‘himself’, more intelligent, talkative, and friendly and he somehow shows appreciation to me with extra affection.”
“My cockatoo took really well to this! She is approx 12 years and was my grandfather’s. He passed away 3 months ago so I’ve been so worried about her accepting her new home. She put the harness on with no problem. ”
“We enjoy taking Elliott our Eclectus out on the kayak, bicycle, sports car drives or walks around the local farmers market. Everyone enjoys meeting Elliott and he seems to like making new friends. Since I believe strongly in keeping Elliott fully flighted, these experiences would not be possible without your product.”