Birdie See, Birdie Do; Aviator Harness Training

By Kerrts le Cat (A.S. Murdock)

The Aviator Bird Harness is just like any other toy. You can quickly teach your Birdie to love to have it on with the right approach.

Today I got Falkner Cockatiel to actually start putting her head through this morning, even if only for a few seconds at a time. You can see Falkner willingly sticks her head back and forth through the Aviator strap to get to the other side where her treat is. Lol. Her cousin Bambi Cockatiel is learning by example as she waits her turn.

Over the next few days the loop will get tighter as they learn that the harness is a tool to get a reward.


Falkner is about 8mo old, Bambi is 6mo

Falkner is officially in the harness, a little bit of birdy backtalk but nothing too serious. Right now she’s doing okay, mostly just chewing around.

We’ll probably wear it for half the day and take it off. Rinse and repeat.

“What have I walked myself into?”

“If Mom can work this thing maybe I can too.”

Day two of the harness on! I think we’re in week two of conditioning total?

She ate a whole ton of cheerios once I got her in it, and then proceeded to fall asleep on my shoulder. Not as much fidgeting and chewing as yesterday but still a bit.

I suppose she must be getting comfortable enough then! Might go outside for a walk later today or tomorrow.

“Not sure about these new clothes but the chow sure has improved.”

“Wow, a whole new world.”


Now Falkner lets me put it on and take it off without any argument. Today we went for a walk to the park in this really nice weather.

Looks like we have success in two weeks of daily conditioning. Thanks for the awesome product! 🙂

More to come… Check back

Kerrts le Cat (A.S. Murdock)

As creative as Kerrts is with her training techniques you will be even more impressed with her Inspiring Artistic Digital Illustration talents. Check out her imaginative work at:

Steve Hartman

With his Natural Resources Management degree from The Ohio State University and over 30 years of construction experience, Steve Hartman was able to combine his unique knowledge to develop the Hartman Aviary. With a goal of breeding for a better temperament in Blue and Gold Macaws, Steve set out to start his aviary in 1984. Since then he has gone on to guest lecture at various universities and conventions. His experiences with pet birds and large aviaries of birds had led Steve to the development of The Parrot University and manufacturing of products like The Aviator Bird Harness and Leash.


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